
Wednesday, September 8, 2010


Spin in Public day is September 18, so I share with you some of the spinning I've been doing lately. I've been fighting with my great wheel lately (broken parts) and finally gave up. I had two cops nearly the same size so I decided to proceed with plying them together. Before you think I did something very rude to law enforcement officers, a "cop" is the conical shaped stash of spun wool that is on the spindle. The drop spindle full of red yarn above shows the cop on the spindle; to the far right you can see a cop of yarn that I slid over to a knitting needle. Plying simply means twisting two strands of spun wool together. It makes for a more sturdy and stable yarn.

There's a fluffy bit of the roving in the center, and the ball is just two strands of the singles wound up together. It will help me keep everything from becoming a tangled mess when I ply them on my drop spindle. I think I'll get a fine laceweight yarn when finished!

The doily in the photo was crocheted by my Grandmother.

Other randomness: my daughter turned nine last week. She decorated her own cake, fueled by her interest in mermaids. Fruit roll ups and skittles never looked so good!

1 comment:

Twinfibers said...

the yarn looks like it will be just gorgeous and the cake is adorable! :) who knew... skittles and fruit roll-ups! yum!